Summer is here and who doesn’t love to spend time enjoying the outdoors? But with summer’s long hazy days and cool breezy nights comes a host of potential injuries that seem to become more viable when the temperature rises. Here are some of the more common injuries you may encounter this summer, and how to
Read MoreSports Injuries
Sports Injuries That Can Be Treated at an Urgent Care Facility
There are few things that remain constant in this world. Unfortunately, sports-related injuries are among them. As any athlete will tell you, incurring a sports injury is quite common. The most common types of sports injuries are related to the musculoskeletal system, including your bones, muscles, and other connective tissue. Many of these types of sports injuries
Read MoreMost Common Types of Sports Injury
We Americans do love our sports – and not just as spectators, but as active participants. Whether it’s football, baseball, softball, soccer, swimming, golf – you name it – we’re a very athletic breed. Which also means we’re prone to sports injuries. In fact, according to Stop Sports Injuries, an organization comprised of numerous orthopedic
Read MoreThe Importance of Going to an Orthopedic Urgent Care
What Can Be Treated at an Orthopedic Urgent Care? Almost any orthopedic injury can be treated in an orthopedic urgent care center. Simple sprains and strains may not necessarily need a specialist’s attention, however, until you’ve been examined, you have no way of knowing how serious your injury is. If you go to a
Read MoreSafer Sports: Avoiding Sports Injuries
Like brushing your teeth, or wearing a seat-belt while in the car, some decisions are a no-brainer. When it comes to sports activities, taking reasonable precautions and playing by the rules just makes sense. Sports are an enjoyable way to stay in top form and maintain an active lifestyle. To do that though, you really
Read MoreProtect Your Little Leaguer from Head Injuries
Approximately 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sport, and more than 3.5 million injuries each year are experienced by those participants. In fact, almost one-third of all childhood injuries are sports-related. Of course, some sports are more dangerous than others. However, every sport has the potential for injury, whether from
Read MoreInjured on the Playing Field: Where Should You go for Care?
According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library, about 3.5 million teenagers and kids are injured in sports activities each year. About 1.35 million of those injuries are considered serious. That means that the bulk, an approximate 2.15 million injuries could potentially be treated in urgent care or medical office settings, rather than emergency rooms.
Read MoreHow to Avoid Sports Injuries
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a recreational sports enthusiast, no one is immune from orthopedic sports injuries, which can happen suddenly or occur gradually over time from overuse. Protecting and preparing yourself before, during, and after play, or even while training, is vital to making sure you can enjoy your sport for many years
Read MoreHow to Help Your Student Athlete Avoid Fall Sports Injuries: Part 2
We recently shared some interesting pointers on helping your student athlete avoid injuries this fall, whether they be on the football field, the track, or cheering for one of the teams. Our orthopedic urgent care specialists have even more tips to prevent common injuries, such as concussions, soft tissue injuries, and repetitive motion conditions to
Read MoreHow to Help Your Student Athlete Avoid Fall Sports Injuries – Part 1
Back-to-school season equates to sports season for many middle and high school athletes. While team sports impart many wonderful things like discipline, focus, interdependence, and physical fitness, there is also an ever-present risk of orthopedic sports injuries. Sports injuries are the leading cause of seeking emergency medical care for 12-17-year olds; according to USA Today,
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